Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Beginning of Thanksgiving

Hi everyone-

Let the festivities begin!

Thanksgiving a very American holiday is/has already started. People gathering their good items for the traditional large meal with friends and family to give thanks for a good year. The Pilgrims did it - or did they?

My wife has already planned the menu with her sister. The 28.5 pound bird has been delivered to the house and the thawing has begun. Menu and links in the next post. We are trying a few new items this year hoping that all will go well.

Meanwhile work must continue as the out of town guests arrive and people on the roads get more insane. I remember Thanksgiving holiday travel - driving to see my Aunt Eileen in Norfolk, VA. I remember that traffic was so bad we turned around and tried the next day - it was one of those sites to see Mom and Dad trying desperately to get to a final destination but only to be turned around by dense traffic.

Well to all traveling be safe. And to all cooking your bird remember to cook it correctly.

having fun....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to put this site up. I've bookmarked it and will be back to spend some more time here.

Check out my the thanksgiving song related site at http://holiday-stories-and-poetry.com.
