Tuesday, September 14, 2004

NPR : Google Entices Job-Searchers with Math Puzzle

Not that I solved this puzzle at all - but I really thought that it was cool of Google to do search for people this way.

NPR : Google Entices Job-Searchers with Math Puzzle

Since about the 7th grade I have had a math puzzle of my own:

Make a number that is 8 digits that are singly 8 consecutive numbers. Take that 8 digit number and multiply it by the 8th digit in the list of numbers. Take the first 7 numbers of the original eight numbers as a seven digit number and add it to answer from the first step. Take the 8th number of the original eight numbers as a single digit number and add it to the answer from the previous step. The answer should be the same number repeated 8 times. What are the 8 consecutive numbers?

I am sure it is a stupid puzzle and totally not as cool as Googles, but email me for the answer or post an answer of your own.

Have fun

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